Starting my career as a chiropractor was just the beginning of my quest to learn all about the mind body and soul
Though having knowledge and being "successful" became a bit of an addiction, and allowed a false sense of safety and security.
I ended up hiding behind knowledge and identities in lieu of truly experiencing life!
Slowly I came to the realisation that I was living up to someone else's idea of what a successful life looked like.
I was running three chiropractic practices, though I was incredibly unfulfilled
And what suffered most? My health!
I was sprouting health to others while my own steadily declined
Burnt out, unfulfilled, adrenal fatigued - really, it's a story like many others.
I now have a clear purpose
My knowledge and experience allows me to tailor ideas and solutions to each individual, helping you get what you want out of life...
"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get."
- Dale Carnegie
I work with you to empower you in your health journey
As a chiropractor, it became the regular to see people who believe the symptoms they are experiencing are "normal"
The reality is, common is not normal, and symptoms are messages that allow us to discover what your body is really wanting some help with
After trying a therapist (or many!) Holistic Lifestyle Coaching is the next step to help you overcome any of the common issues listed below
Using specific questionnaires allow us to track your improvement over time
Recurring pain/tightness
Trauma - physical or emotional
Gut dysfunction
Hormonal issues
Fatigue and lethargy
Chronic diseases
Qualifications and Education
Integrated Health Coach - Chek Practitioner Level 2
Integrated Movement Science 2
Holistic Lifestyle Coaching 2
Advanced Program Design
Basic Sacro-occipital Technique (SOT) Certification
Diplomate in Chiropractic Neuro-developmental Paediatrics
Move to Learn Trainer
Chiropractor BHSc(Chiro) / MClinChiro